Humidity in the home effects how the indoor air feels. Too much in the summer leads to discomfort, over reliance on the air conditioner to cool more and in extreme cases allows mold and bacteria growth. Too little humidity in the winter leaves you feeling dry and itchy, Winter dryness also increases instances of colds, respiratory illness and can dry out and damage wood furniture and flooring.

Why a Humidifier?
It’s unfortunate but often a side-effect of using the furnace is that the air dries out in your home. This can cause a number of problems such as dry eyes, sore throats, dry nasal passages, bloody noses, chapped lips, itchy dry skin, and can even make colds or the flu worse.
Sometimes having too dry air can worsen asthma and allergy symptoms. The answer to this is to get a humidifier. By increasing moisture in the air, you may avoid colds or ease cold and flu symptoms.
The humidifier is connected to your furnace, delivering moisture to your whole home. Have a whole house humidifier will also help keep your wood floors, furniture, and keepsakes from damage from drying out.
Why a De-Humidifier?
Living in the upper midwest there are many days that a dehumidifier will remove enough moisture from your indoor air so the air conditioner is not needed - or - can be run at a higher temperature.
Air conditioning removes some humidity during the summer but a Bryant de-humidifier can remove up to 4 times the moisture.
What is the best home humidity solution?
Byrant humidifiers are the best whole house humidifier you can find. A whole-house humidifier is installed directly to your heat system ductwork. When the heat turns on and as air is blowing through the home, it becomes humidified as well. Since a whole home humidifier is directly connected to your water lines it never needs to be refiled.
The de-humidifier works in concert with your air conditioning to bring summer time comfort indoors. Air conditioning removes some humidity during the summer but a Bryant de-humidifier can remove up to 4 times the moisture.
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